- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.17’ (2024) ready-made
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.16’ (2023) composition for various binaural waveform tones 47’
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.15’ (2023) composition for sine tones and phonography 1’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.14’ (2023) composition for sine and triangle tones variable length
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.13’ (2023) photographies
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.12’ (2022) composition for amplified classical guitar, feedback, and various waveforms tones 10’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.11’ (2022) augmented reality sound installation variable length
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.10’ (2022) composition for sine tones and electric or pipe organ 22’
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.9’ (2022) sound installation variable length
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.8’ (2022) composition for amplified classical guitar, feedback, and fixed electronics variable length
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.7’ (2022) composition for sine tones variable length
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.6’ (2022) composition for sine tones 14’
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.5’ (2022) composition for fan and air conditioner 21’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.4’ (2022) composition for sine tones and phonography 10’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.3’ (2022) sound installation variable length
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.2’ (2022) composition for silence 10’
- Paolo Calabrese ‘no.1’ (2021) composition for amplified objects and sine tones 22’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Paolo Calabrese + Roberto Faraone ‘no.6 [visual-score]’ (2024) sound installation variable length
- Menou & Paolo Calabrese ‘st2m’ (2024) composition for various binaural waveform tones 19’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Manuel Carbone / Paolo Calabrese ‘±’ (2023) composition for binaural sine and triangle tones, white noise, granular synthesis, underwater and urban phonography, sampling, FM synths, drone generators, feedback, tape loops 37’
- not performable in concerts
- available as sound diffusion
- Francesco Bux + Eloisa Calabrese + Paolo Calabrese ‘41°06'56.8N 16°52'10.0E 23.10.2022 23.32.00-23.50.30’ (2022) installation variable length
- Francesco Bux + Eloisa Calabrese + Paolo Calabrese ‘action #1’ (2022) performance variable length
- ØHØI ‘Blind’ (2021) composition for various waveform tones and electronic drums 6’
- not performable in concerts
- ØHØI ‘Shuar’s Shaman’ (2020) compositions for various waveform tones and electronic drums 20’
- not performable in concerts
- ØHØI ‘Peak’ (2020) composition for various waveform tones and electronic drums 6’
- not performable in concerts
- ØHØI ‘Ascent’ (2019) composition for various waveform tones and electronic drums 6’
- not performable in concerts
- ØHØI ‘Elements’ Decline’ (2019) compositions for various waveform tones and electronic drums 30’
- not performable in concerts
- ØHØI remix ‘A night in the forest’ by Benvol (2019) composition for various waveform tones and electronic drums 6’
- not performable in concerts
- ØHØI ‘Dcrypt’ (2019) compositions for various waveforms tones and electronic drums 24’
- not performable in concerts